Water in Morocco

Rabat- Morocco is now among 45 countries facing water scarcity, according to World Resources Institute water scarcity map, which reveals Morocco’s critical situation.

            From previous entries, it is clear that there are a number of threats to development in Morocco. However, water scarcity and contamination are a big issue in Morocco as well (K. Rhanem n.d.). As an arid environment, Morocco does not have large water resources (Re, Sacchi, Mas-Pla,  Menció, and El Amrani 2014). In addition to being in an arid environment, Morocco’s ground waters are dwindling, which makes their reliance on agriculture difficult (Re et al. 2014). Now, roughly 15% of Morocco’s agricultural land is irrigated, and much of the rest of the water is not being managed effectively (K. Rhanem n.d.). Although one of 45 countries facing water scarcity, many of which are in Africa, Morocco does have enough water resources, at the moment (K. Rhanem n.d.). Nevertheless, to reach Morocco’s underground water resources, drilling and irrigation must take place 80% deeper into the earth than in previous years (Re et al. 2014). 

            In a time when urbanization is increasing and the population is growing, causing an even greater dependence on agriculture, a reduction in water is problematic (Re et al. 2014). In addition, a lot of the water that does exist in Morocco is polluted to some degree, Frequently due to lacking infrastructure regarding sanitation and waste water treatment systems (Guessous 2018). On a more positive note, there are many who are attempting to conserve water resources and manage the existing water to keep it healthy and clean (K. Rhanem n.d.). today, there is more focused on creating public awareness around water use, and the ants and the service even exists to send text messages to Moroccan farmers to remind them to conserve water… They are also a number of via mental groups and NGOs who are attempting to introduce new technologies to help with agricultural productivity and to heighten water sanitation (Guessous 2018).  Nevertheless, water scarcity and contamination will probably continue to be an issue in morocco for some time to come.


K. Rhanem. Water and Sanitation. USAID. Retrieved from    https://www.usaid.gov/morocco/water-and-            sanitation (n.d.).

Hamza Guessous. Morocco among Countries Facing Water Scarcity. Retrieved from https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2018/02/240719/morocco-countries-facing-water-          scarcity/ (2018).

Re, V., E. Sacchi, J. Mas-Pla, A. Menció, and N. El Amrani. “Identifying the effects of human     pressure on groundwater quality to support water management strategies in coastal     regions: a multi-tracer and statistical approach (Bou-Areg region, Morocco).” Science of       the Total Environment 500 (2014): 211-223.

Below are the links for more information on water issues in Morocco.



Here is another resource, by Aziza Chaouni, an architect and ecotourism specialist, who is presenting a TED Talk on her successful efforts to clean up a river that runs through her hometown of Fez, Morocco.


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